eDocFile for Trademarks - FAQs

What is the IPOPHL Electronic Document Filing System (eDocfile)?

The eDocfile is a 24/7 electronic transmittal system that allows Trademark applicants
and registrants submit their responses and subsequent requests including the request for
renewal of application, and pay the corresponding fees online if warranted. It is
different from eTMfile which is a facility for online filing of new trademark applications.

Do I need to register to access the system?

No. You may upload the responses or requests simply by accessing the IPOPHL
website, no registration is required.

How do I file the documents through this system?

Filing is done by simply accessing the IPOPHL website and uploading the documents to
the system.

Is there a required format for the documents to be uploaded?

The documents must be uploaded in PDF format.

When can I access eDocfile to transmit my response to an Office Action?

eDocfile is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, unless the system is unavailable for maintenance. The IPOPHL notifies the public in case of system downtime or unavailability.

Can I go to the IP Satellite Office (IPSO) near me to submit documents and/or pay fees online regarding my pending trademark application?

Yes, you may. The IPSO Officers of the IPOPHL will assist you, if required, in filing the electronic response/request and/or online payment through IPOPHL-approved payment channels (Dragonpay and Visa).

Do I need to submit a printed version of the response or request?

As a general rule, no.  A printed version will only be submitted if the office requires a clearer copy of the uploaded document; or if it finds factual basis to reasonably doubt the veracity of the document or any element therein; or when it relates to documents affecting title or ownership, in which case the original copy shall be required.


How do I file a response or a request requiring payment?

You can file it in the same manner as plain documents submission.  In the dropdown menu, select the specific type of response and the system will automatically calculate the total amount of fees to be paid and lets you choose online payment options (Dragonpay and Visa).

How will I know how much I need to pay?

As mentioned above, the fees are automatically calculated by the system based on the type of response or request. The computation is reflected toward the end of the process. Please note that the processing of requests and responses requiring payment of fees, if not paid, will not be continued. It will be promptly removed from the IPOPHL database without notice. 

I have issues using the eDocfile system. Is it possible to send my response through email instead?

No. Documents sent through eDocfile system are processed digitally thus facilitate examination and registration of your mark. If sent through email, your response and documents sent will not be recorded in the system.

For assistance, you may contact the IPOPHL customer service hotline at 02-7238-6300  or the IPOPHL chatbot, from Mondays to Fridays, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

What is my recourse if IPOPHL has made encoding errors relative to the information given in relation to my pending application?

You may submit a Request for Correction Without Cost through eDocfile System.

I made an overpayment relative to a request lodged through eDocfile. Am I entitled to a refund?

No. Pursuant to IPOPHL Memorandum Circular No. 16-012, IPOPHL Revised Fee Structure Of 2017, “all fees or excess amounts paid without fault on the part of the IPOPHL shall be deemed as donation to the Office. However, if the fees or excess amounts are paid due to error on the part of the IPOPHL, the applicant or party may file with the Financial Management and Administrative Services Bureau the request for refund within 30 days from the date of payment of the fees or excess amounts. If no request is filed within the aforementioned period or if the request is found to be not meritorious, the fees and excess amounts shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be deemed as a donation to, the Office.”

Over time, it is observed that fees paid in excess happen because some eDocfile users either overlook to declare the size of their entity, select the wrong dropdown option resulting in different fees, etc. Users are therefore advised to exercise prudence when using the system so that instances of overpayment are avoided.

Related FAQs: eTMfile FAQs, eCorr

We're working hard to answer your queries, please note that this page will be updated from time to time. Got urgent concerns? Send us a message at ask@ipophil.gov.ph