A trademark is a word, a group of words, sign, symbol, logo or a combination thereof that identifies and differentiates the source of the goods or services of one entity from those of others. 

If you’re a business, distinguishing your goods or services from others gives you a competitive edge. Learn more about trademarks, how to apply for protection, and how to manage them.


A trademark protects a business’ brand identity in the marketplace.


Registration of it gives the owner the exclusive rights to prevent others from using or exploiting the mark in any way.


Aside from being a source-identifier, differentiator, quality indicator, and an advertising device, a protective mark may also bring another stream of income to the owner through licensing or franchising. 


The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines prescribes grounds for non-registrability.


See the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, Section 123. Generally, the distinctiveness of the mark is the key point of consideration.


A trademark can be protected in perpetuity if regularly monitored and properly maintained.


The period of protection is ten (10) years from the date of registration and is renewable for a period of ten (10) years at a time.


Read: How To Maintain Your Trademark?

For more information, please call (02) 7238-6300 | Online filing:  8601 / 8602, Registry: 4302 / 4304

Publication: 4301 / 4303, International Application: 4701 / 4703, Application Status: 4305 / 4306