The parties to a technology transfer arrangement may jointly file a request for a certification to the effect that the technology transfer arrangement conforms with the Prohibited Clauses and Mandatory Provisions of the IP Code.

Submit the following: 

  • Request letter addressed to DITTB Director Ralph Jarvis H. Alindogan, J.D.
  • Two (2) copies of original and notarized/apostilled agreements
  • The duly notarized filled-out sworn application form which shall include a verified statement from the applicant that the agreement is not subject to any judicial, administrative, or other proceedings.
  • List of all TMs or Patents covered by the agreement. (if applicable)
  • Certified True Copy of BIR Registration. (if applicable)
  • Other requirements may be deemed necessary for the evaluation of the application.
  • Prescribed fee/s.

Pay the following fees at the cashier, ground floor:

  • Filing fee: PHP2,525.00 (small entity)        PHP3,030.00 (big entity)
  • Registration fee: PHP2,525.00 (small entity) PHP3,030.00 (big entity)

TOTAL: PHP5,050.00 (small entity) PHP6,060.00 (big entity)

Note: Filing Fees are inclusive of 1% Legal Research Fund (LRF).  Other charges may apply depending on the progress of your application. For full set of fees, refer to: Schedule of Fees

Submit the stamped statement of account (SOA) to the DITTB at the 2nd floor.