The Intellectual Property (IP) Academy serves as a national center for IP knowledge, learning and development, and research and publication.

It covers the entire spectrum, from building intellectual property awareness, development of full intellectual property courses and module offerings, such as, patent drafting, commercialization, valuation, enforcement, and other related courses for professional development.

In addition, IP Academy combines basic, scientific, applied and policy research aimed at discovering new knowledge related to intellectual property and IP-related matters.


To arrange, conduct, implement all learning requirements on intellectual property of stakeholders, both national and internal, and to conduct research and studies to enhance society’s intellectual property knowledge.


To create an IP-conscious Philippines, through a balanced and effective IP education and learning, in order to promote innovation and creativity.


Basic Seminars

Free intellectual property seminar for the general public

LEAP IP: Free Seminars on IP
IP Roadshow


Intermediate to Advanced Trainings

Advanced seminars on intellectual property that cater to specific audience/sectors

IP Forward >>
IP Boost Camp
Advanced IP Valuation Training Course

Certificate Courses and Professional Development Trainings

Certification training courses for accredited IP professionals and business players

BeyondIP Mastercourse (Non-Legal and Legal Track)

WIPO-IPOPHL Summer School

Advanced IP Licensing Certificate Course

IP Mediation Accreditation Course

Specialized & Targeted topics

Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) on IP and IP-related laws

MCLE on IP and Technology Laws

Basic, Applied and Scientific Research and Policy-making articles

Formulation of dedicated IP policy for the basic education, the higher education, and technical vocation levels 


Roundtable discussion with universities, colleges, and other industry players to impress on them the centrality of intellectual property in law, business, in the sciences, in liberal arts, and technology courses