The Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Office (IEO) implements administrative enforcement function of the Intellectual Property Office pursuant to the mandate under Section 7, (c) and (d) Republic Act No. 8293, as amended, also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines which is to:

  • Undertake enforcement functions supported by concerned agencies such as the Philippine National Police, the National Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Customs, the Optical Media Board, and the local government units, among others; and
  • To conduct visits during reasonable hours to establishments and businesses engaging in activities violating intellectual property rights based on report, information or complaint received by the office;

The administrative enforcement action of IPOPHL can be initiated by a report or through the filing of a verified complaint.


Report IP violations involving counterfeiting and piracy through the following:

To report an IP violation involving counterfeiting and piracy thru SMS, just send the following details to 0966 769 1448 (Globe):

  1. Complaint: (any IP violations involving counterfeiting and piracy that you wish to report)

  2. For online counterfeiting and piracy, type in the URL, or name of the shop online, or any online reference of the shop or live seller.

  3. For counterfeiting and piracy occurring in a physical store, type in the name and exact address of the shop.

* Information of individuals reporting or responding to the alleged IP violations of counterfeiting and piracy will be kept confidential and will only be used to verify the details of the complaint.

* No calls. Those who will call be rejected and will be asked to text instead.

* Reporting can be done anytime of the day or any day of the week but responses and other clarification will be only from Monday-Friday (8AM-5PM)

  • To receive and docket complaints or reports relating to counterfeiting and piracy from right holders or authorized representatives, other government agencies, and the public in general;
  • To evaluate the complaint or report and take appropriate action thereon to ensure enforcement of IPR;
  • To coordinate with the right holders, industry associations and/or relevant government agencies in the conduct of its enforcement functions;
  • To formulate policies and programs to ensure enforcement of IPR, and to prepare an annual report on the accomplishments, progress, and challenges of IPR enforcement in the country;
  • To keep all records of enforcement such as, but not limited to, complaints, reports, minutes of enforcement meetings, post-operation reports, and other similar or related documents.
  • To provide assistance in the enforcement of orders, writs, and processes issued by Bureau of Legal Affairs and the Office of the Director General
  • Issuance of notice/warning to the respondent/s to observe compliance with the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code, as amended;
  • Issuance of visitorial order on the subject premises;
  •  Issuance of compliance order against the respondent/s; or
  • Immediate filing of administrative complaint before the DTI, the local government unit
    concerned,or other government agencies;
  • Referral of the case to a law enforcement agency for case build-up;
  • Recommendation of application for search warrant;
  • Dismissal of the complaint;
  • Referral of the case to other government agencies for filing of charges for violation of
    other laws, rules or regulations; or
  •  Such other actions necessary to ensure compliance with the IP Code.

IEO Reports (2021)

IEO Reports (2013 - 2021)

IEO Complaints



By submitting your report, request or document to us, manually or electronically, and/or ticking the box signifying your agreement to the processing and disclosure of personal data, you hereby give your consent for IPOPHL to collect, record, store, organize, modify, use, share, redact, erase, and/or otherwise process all data received from you in accordance with Republic Act No. 10173 otherwise known as Data Privacy Act of 2012. The personal information and sensitive personal information obtained may be used in relation to the processing of the application, request or document, and other functions or activities of IPOPHL, including: documentation, communication or notification; public disclosure or posting; publication; incorporation in the processing system; office reporting or presentation; research; sharing to partner institutions, both locally and internationally; profiling for customization, process improvement, delivery of services and other office projects or programs; and for all other legitimate purposes in accordance with IPOPHL’s mandate, other existing laws and treaty obligations.

For IPOPHL's Data Privacy Policy, see