If a draft agreement was submitted for evaluation, the Certificate of Registration shall be issued two (2) days after the submission of the duly executed agreement provided it shall not contain any amendment or any modification not authorized by the Bureau.

After the issuance of the Certificate of Registration, the title of the technology transfer arrangement and parties thereto, its registration number and the date of registration shall be entered in the Certificate Registry Book.

Submit the following: 

  • Request letter addressed to DITTB Director Ralph Jarvis H. Alindogan, J.D.
  • Two (2) copies of original and notarized/apostilled agreements
  • The duly notarized filled-out sworn application form which shall include a verified statement from the applicant that the agreement is not subject to any judicial, administrative, or other proceedings.
  • List of all TMs or Patents covered by the agreement. (if applicable)
  • Certified True Copy of BIR Registration. (if applicable)
  • Other requirements may be deemed necessary for the evaluation of the application.
  • Prescribed fee/s.

Pay corresponding fees at the
Cashier (ground floor)

  • Filing Fee - PHP2,525.00 (small entity) PHP3,030.00 (big entity)
  • Registration Fee – PHP2,525.00 (small entity) PHP3,030.00 (big entity)
  • Publication Fee: PHP930.00 (small entity) PHP970.00 (big entity)
  • Per Exempt Claimed: PHP710.00 (small entity) PHP850.00 (big entity)

 TOTAL: PHP6,686.20 (small entity) PHP7,878.00 (big entity) 

Note: Filing Fees are inclusive of 1% Legal Research Fund (LRF).  Other charges may apply depending on the progress of your application. For full set of fees, refer to: Schedule of Fees

Submit the stamped statement of account (SOA) to the DITTB at the 2nd floor.