General FAQs

Who is the Director General of IPOPHL?

Atty. Rowel S. Barba is the Director General of IPOPHL.

Click here to learn more about the DG.

Who are the Directors of the different bureaus of the IPOPHL?

The Bureau Directors and Assistant Directors comprise the Executive Committee of the IPOPHL. Their names, official designations, office numbers, and official email addresses may be found here.

How can I report an IP violation?

You can report an IP violation if you have reason to believe that an intellectual property is being infringed.

  • Send an email of the details of the IP Violation to and attach pieces of evidence (photos, screen captures, etc.) or;
  • Send details of the IP Violation to IEO FB messenger

We're working hard to answer your queries, please note that this page will be updated from time to time. Got urgent concerns? Send us a message at