Atty. Josephine Santiago – Legacy Wall

Atty. Josephine Santiago In October 2015, Atty. Josephine Santiago assumed the role of Director General of IPOPHL. LIGHTNING PACE TOWARD AN END-TO-END IP ONLINE SERVICE Under Atty. Santiago’s term, IPOPHL dramatical ly accelerated and elevated IPOPHL’s modernization program through adopting and deploying electronic tools.  In 2016, IPOPHL launched the eTMfile, eUMFile and eIDFile for applications continue reading : Atty. Josephine Santiago – Legacy Wall

Atty. Ricardo Blancaflor – Legacy Wall

Atty. Ricardo Blancaflor Atty. Ricardo Blancaflor was appointed Director General of IPOPHL in March 2010.  STRENGTHENING INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS WITH ITSOs IPOPHL also launched its network of “patent libraries” called the Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSOs) that strengthened institutional and academic capacities to access patent information and use the patent system.  Today, ITSO members stand continue reading : Atty. Ricardo Blancaflor – Legacy Wall

Unveiling of the Legacy Wall

For over two decades, IPOPHL has evolved from a regulatory government agency to one that is multifaceted. This can be attributed to the leadership of the previous and current Directors General (DGs) whose staunch advocacies helped shape the IPOPHL we know today. In celebration of their contributions to the intellectual property system in the Philippines, continue reading : Unveiling of the Legacy Wall

1-on-1 IP Consultation

In celebration of the National Intellectual Property Month, IPOPHL brings back its 1-on-1 Consultation with our IP Specialists to assist you with your IP-related concerns.   Schedule a FREE 1-hour consultation via chat or call by sending us a message via FB Messenger. Just key in “IP Consult” and our coordinator will assist you in continue reading : 1-on-1 IP Consultation

Grand IP Forum | IP and Youth: Innovating for a Silver-Bright Future

April 22, 20221:00 PMMakati Diamond ResidencesLegaspi 1 Function Room LIVE via Facebook As part of the year-long celebration of IPOPHL’s 25th Anniversary and in conjuction with the country’s marking of National IP Month (NIPM), we are holding our 2nd Grand IP Forum with the theme “IP and Youth: Innovating for a Silver-Bright Future”. The Forum continue reading : Grand IP Forum | IP and Youth: Innovating for a Silver-Bright Future

YIPA Treks IP:  A Celebration of the Youth’s Creativity and Ingenuity

YIPA Treks IP:  A Celebration of the Youth’s Creativity and Ingenuity In celebration of the National Intellectual Property Month 2022, IPOPHL holds an IP Life Cycle Video Competition. A video-making competition open to a group of students  in a YIPA member school showcasing their creativity and ingenuity. The Competition aims to celebrate and promote the creativity of continue reading : YIPA Treks IP:  A Celebration of the Youth’s Creativity and Ingenuity

Synergy Towards a Silver-Bright Future

A collaboration betweenIPOPHL, DOST-PCIEERD, and CHED in celebration of the National IP Month April 19, 2022 | 9:00 AM via Zoom  REGISTER HEREProgram:Welcome MessageDr. Enrico C. Paringit, Executive Director, DOST-PCIEERDAtty. Cinderella Filipina S. Benitez-Jaro, Executive Director, CHEDAtty. Rowel S. Barba, Director General, IPOPHLEssentials of the IP System and the Role of the ITSO as Innovation continue reading : Synergy Towards a Silver-Bright Future