The World Intellectual Property Organization presents a two-day conference on how to add value to coffee production through branding and other intellectual property tools. Join us and learn how IP can help unleash the potential of specialty coffee in the Asia Pacific region!

The world runs on coffee and worldwide consumption is expected to keep growing. Coffee consumption has matured in recent decades, creating niche segments, and offering price premiums for uniquely desirable characteristics. The Asia and Pacific (APAC) countries are underrepresented in the highest value and fastest-growing consumer markets, with millions of regional smallholder producers at a disadvantage in direct competition with large coffee agribusiness exporters.

Day 1

November 10, 2021

2:00 AM to 5:00 AM (time in Zurich)
9:00 AM to 12:00 NN (time in Philippines)

Discover trends in the global coffee market and the role of specialty coffee, and learn about the state of the coffee industry and differentiated market opportunities. Also hear about how to develop intellectual property in coffee production and how to improve production quality and gender equity in coffee.

Welcome: Andrew Michael Ong, Director, WIPO Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

Moderator: Andrew Hetzel, coffee adviser to WIPO


  • Carsten Fink, Chief Economist, IP and Innovation Ecosystems Sector, WIPO (Geneva)
  • Andrew Hetzel, Coffee Market Specialist (Hawaii, USA)
  • Luis Samper, International Consultant (Bogota, Colombia)
  • Blanca Castro, International Women’s Coffee Alliance (Guatemala City, Guatemala)
  • Darrin Daniel, Alliance for Coffee Excellence (Portland, Oregon, USA)
  • Mario Fernandez, Specialty Coffee Association (Portland, Oregon, USA)

Day 2

November 11, 2021

8:00 AM to 11:00 AM (time in Zurich)
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM (time in Philippines)

Hear about ethical coffee certification, the importance of storytelling to create stakeholder value, and technology, productivity, and traceability issues. The last session of the seminar will focus on exploring technical cooperation on IP for specialty coffee in the Asia Pacific region.

Welcome: Andrew Michael Ong, Director, WIPO Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific

Moderator: Andrew Hetzel, coffee adviser to WIPO


  • Ms. Molly Harriss Olsen, CEO of Fairtrade Australia New Zealand (Melbourne, Australia)
  • Ms. Pacita Chit Juan, the Co-Chair of the Philippine Coffee Board Inc. (Manila, Philippines)
  • Ms. Sara Morrocchi, Owner and Founder of VUNA Coffee (Amsterdam, Netherlands) o Mr. Stephen Hurst, Founder of Mercanta The Coffee Hunters (London, United Kingdom)
  • Mr. Kraig Kraft, World Coffee Research (Paris, France)
  • Mr. Stéphane Passeri, International Consultant (Bangkok, Thailand)
  • Mr. Luis Samper, International Consultant (Bogota, Colombia)
  • Mr. Giulio Zanetti, International Consultant (Nice, France)


Andrew Hetzel


Andrew Hetzel is a Hawaii-based coffee industry specialist with two decades of experience in more than fifty countries. He advises public and private sector stakeholders to increase coffee value and productivity through improved practices, enabling environments, intellectual property issues, market intelligence, and market access.

Mr. Hetzel has been a key expert for coffee agriculture marketing and economic development projects in Brazil, across East Africa, in India, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Yemen.

Carsten Fink

Carsten Fink is the WIPO Chief Economist. Before joining WIPO, he was Professor of International Economics at the University of St. Gallen. He also held the positions of Visiting Professor at the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris and Visiting Senior Fellow at the Group d’Economie Mondiale, a research institute at Sciences Po. Prior to his academic appointments, Mr. Fink worked for more than 10 years at the World Bank.

Luis Samper

Luis Samper is a Senior Consultant with several years of experience and an internationally recognized track record in IP strategy, marketing and branding in the coffee industry.

Prior to his consultancy career, he was Chief Communications and Marketing Officer for the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation in Bogotá, Colombia.

Blanca Castro

Blanca Castro is Chapter Relations Manager for the International Women’s Coffee Alliance as well as an Independent Coffee Consultant.

Prior to assuming these positions, she was Marketing Coordinator for the National Coffee Association of Guatemala.

Darrin Daniel

Darrin Daniel is the Executive Director of the Alliance for Coffee Excellence. He began his career in specialty coffee in the 1980s and has worked for several coffee companies.

He has traveled to over 34 countries sourcing green coffee and tea and forged numerous relationships with coffee growers, mill managers, and private and public organizations in Latin America, East Africa, and the Indo/Pacific.

Mario R. Fernández-Alduenda

Coming from a coffee-producing family in Mexico, Mario R. Fernández-Alduenda has tried to understand coffee for almost 30 years, under the light of food science.

He has played many roles along the chain, from processor to coffee shop owner, but has mostly focused on the study of coffee flavor, how it is perceived and appreciated, and how it is formed. He is the Technical Officer of the SCA, which he joined in 2020

Molly Harriss Olson

Molly Harriss Olson is the Chief Executive Officer of Fairtrade Australia New Zealand, and a leader in global sustainability with experience spanning more than 30 years.

She previously served as the Chair of Fairtrade International, from 2008 to 2014. In 2020, she was recognized by the YALE Alumni of Distinction Award for exceptional contributions to global environmental and economic sustainability and the development of ethical supply chains.

Pacita U. Juan

Pacita U. Juan is the Co-Chair of the Philippine Coffee Board Inc. and was Chair of the ASEAN Women’s Entrepreneur Network.

She is currently the Regional Coordinator for the International Women’s Coffee Alliance.

Sara Morrocchi

Sara Morrocchi is the Founder and Lead Consultant for VUNA Origin Consulting, a value chain consulting firm.

Through her previous positions, including Global Supply Chain Director for Sustainable Harvest Importers, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., she accumulated extensive knowledge in coffee value chains, in various roles and various locations worldwide.

Stephen Hurst

Stephen Hurst has been in the coffee business for more than 35 years, starting as a commodity coffee trader for the J Aron Division of Goldman Sachs group.

In 1996 he founded Mercanta The Coffee Hunters and has been a board member for the Alliance for Coffee Excellence, which runs the Cup of Excellence programme.

Kraig H. Kraft

Kraig H. Kraft is an agroecologist who has worked on rural development issues in Latin America for over 15 years. Prior to joining WCR, Kraig worked with Catholic Relief Services as their Regional Technical advisor for coffee and cacao in Latin America. Previously, Kraig worked with COSA – the Committee on Sustainability Assessment - where he led impact assessments of sustainability projects in coffee and cacao. He has served as a consultant on monitoring and evaluation in coffee and cacao projects for the International Finance Corporation (of the World Bank) and to Lutheran World Relief.

Stéphane Passeri

Stéphane Passeri is a renowned international expert on Geographical Indications development for food, agriculture, and handicrafts products. He is an International Consultant and Regional Team Leader for GIs at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

He has coordinated the regional development of GIs’ cooperation activities in countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, Nepal, and Papua New Guinea.

Giulio Zanetti

Giulio Zanetti is an Adjunct Professor at Loyola University Chicago, and an international consultant. He is a qualified lawyer with over 26 years of work experience in the field of Intellectual Property and development and adult learning methodologies. He extensively worked to support developing countries to use IP as a development tool for national economic and social growth. Until November 2013, Giulio was Director of the Training and Networks Department, and Intellectual Property Specialist at the International Development Law Organization (IDLO).