As part of the overall IP Education and Awareness Program of the IPOPHL, the WIPO Summer School aims to provide a comprehensive 10-day lecture series on Intellectual Property and other IP-related matters for graduate/post-graduate students, young professionals and government officials whose work may require them to have better understanding of the laws and system of intellectual property.

The WIPO Summer Schools provide an opportunity for university graduate/post-graduate students and young professionals to acquire a deeper knowledge of IP, and how it can be used as a tool for sustainable development, as well as the role of WIPO in the administration and the provision of global IP services.

The WIPO-IPOPHL Summer School 2023 will be on September 4-8 and 11-15, 2023 in Metro Manila.

Local Participants and Participants from Developing Countries:

  • Students/government agency:  PHP 13,000.00/USD 250
  • Professionals:  PHP 19,000.00/USD 350

International Participants:

  • Students:    PHP 22,000.00/USD 400
  • Professionals:    PHP 27,500.00/USD 500

Deadline of Registration: August 18, 2023


Week 1 | September 4 – 8, 2023

Day 1
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Opening Ceremonies, Welcome Address and Keynote Speeches
  • Primer: Presentation of the IPOPHL, the IP Academy, and the WIPO-IPOPHL Summer School on IP
  • Groupings: Discussion of Learning Activities & Final Requirements, Warm-Up Introductory Group Activity
  • Topic 1: The Intellectual Property System in Emerging Economies: The Philippine Experience – by Dr. Frederick P. Romero
  • Interactive Activity: Tour in the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines, Introduction to Bureau Directors
  • Topic 2: World Intellectual Property Organization: Vision, Mission, and Current Developments – by Martha Chikowore
Day 2 - Trademarks
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Topic 3: Protecting Goodwill: Dissecting the Trademark System in Emerging Economies – by Atty. Jesus Antonio Z. Ros
  • Topic 4: Trademark Examination and Registration Process – by Atty. Marites Q. Salviejo
  • Topic 5: Maintaining Your Edge: A Discussion on Unfair Competition – by Atty. Divina Pastora V. Ilas-Panganiban
  • Topic 6: Promoting and Protecting Local IP: Rules and Regulations on Geographical Indications and its Implications to the Philippine Economy – by Atty. Irma Vera P. Morcillo
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 2
  • Topic 7: Protection of Creative Works in Emerging Economies: The Role of Copyright and Related Rights – by Atty. Maria Rosita Karla  Bernardo
  • Topic 8: Fair Use, Creative Commons, and the Public Domain: Issues and Challenges – by Professor Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi
  • Topic 9: International Treaties Governing Copyright and Related Rights in the Emerging Economies – by Professor Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi
  • Topic 10: Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights in Emerging Economies – by Atty. Mark Thursday Alciso
Day 4 - Patents, Utility Models, and Industrial Design
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 3
  • Topic 11: Protection of Inventions in Emerging Economies: The Significance of the Patent System – by Atty. Ann N. Edillon
  • Topic 12: The In-Between: Design Protection and its interface with other IP Areas – by Atty. Monica Bugayong
  • Topic 13: Lecture/Workshop: Effective Tools and Techniques in Patent Information and Search – by Engr. Kevin L. Ocampo
  • Topic 14: Lecture/Workshop: Effective Tools and Techniques in Patent Drafting – by Engr. Kevin Facun
Day 5 - IP Commercialization
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 4
  • Topic 15: Managing Intellectual Property Assets: A Practical Perspective – by Atty. Teodoro Alejandro Y. Kalaw IV
  • Topic 16: Knowing the Value of Intellectual Property: The Theory and Practice of IP Valuation – by Mary Jade Roxas-Divinagracia
  • Topic 17: Maximizing the Value of Intellectual Property: IP Commercialization, Transfer of Technology and Licensing – by Atty. Patricia A. O. Bunye
  • Topic 18: Workshop: Simulation Exercises for Licensing – by Atty. Patricia A. O. Bunye

Week 2 | September 11 – 15, 2023

Day 6 - IP Enforcement
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 5
  • Topic 19: Challenges and Best Practices of the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in Emerging Economies – by Atty. Susan D. Villanueva
  • Topic 20: Beyond Litigation: A Comprehensive Look at Alternative Dispute Resolution in IP – by Atty. Francis G. Alba II
  • Topic 21: Lecture/Workshop: Spotting Fakes, Counterfeits, and Piracy: Enforcing IP Rights in the Philippines – by Atty. Reggie Anne D. Pamatian
  • Topic 22: Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Strategies: Perspective from an Asian Corporation – by Atty. Carlo E. Abarquez
Day 7 - IP in Sustainable Development
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 6
  • Topic 23: Harnessing Sustainable Industrialization: Intellectual Property for Environmental Sustainability – by Atty. Karen Jimeno
  • Topic 24: The Role of Innovation in Securing Global Food Security: Present and Future Directions – by Dr. Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa
  • Topic 25: The Role of Intellectual Property in Cultivating Innovation in the Start-up Industry – by Diane Eustaquio
  • Topic 26: Intellectual Property Rights in the Healthcare Industry: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities to Advance Sustainable Development – by Atty. Jose Maria A. Ochave
Day 8 - IP in Socio-Cultural Development
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 7
  • Topic 27: Establishing Protection Systems for Traditional Knowledge, Traditional Cultural Expressions, and Genetic Resources: Pathways and Barricades in Emerging Economies – by Atty. Jeanette Florita
  • Topic 28: The Role of IP in the Educational Systems in the Emerging Economies – by Atty. Josephine R. Santiago
  • Topic 29: Managing Intellectual Property Rights in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Economies – by Atty. Jose Jesus M. Disini
  • Topic 30: Unlocking Innovation: The Vital Role of Women in IP Creation and Innovation
    • Angel Palma
    • Flornida Gatus-Ramirez
    • Sherill Quintana
    • Carla Leonor
Day 9 - IP in the Internalization of Emerging Economies
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 8
  • Topic 31: The Interface between IP and Competition in Emerging Economies: Overview and Recent Developments in the ASEAN Nations – by Atty. Lolibeth Ramit-Medrano
  • Topic 32: Integrating Economies: The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Intellectual Property – by Atty. Maria Katrina D. Rivera
  • Topic 33: Intellectual Property and the ASEAN Landscape: A Sharing from Southeast Asian Nations
    Speakers from ASEAN Member States
    • Marchienda Werdany
    • Maslina Malik
    • Mr Eric Khoo
    • Mr. Ther Tum Thai Vest
  • Topic 34: Intellectual Property Profession: Key Perspectives on Practicing IP from Different Emerging Economies – by Atty. Adrian S. Cristobal, Jr.
Day 10
  • Registration and Administrative Matters
  • Interactive Activity: Review of Day 9
  • Plenary Session: Group Presentations on Contemporary Issues on IP (Part 1) – Atty. Nelson Laluces
  • Plenary Session: Group Presentations on Contemporary Issues on IP (Part 2) – Atty. Emma Francisco
  • Group Presentations on Contemporary Issues on IP (Part 3) – Atty. Josephine Santiago
  • Awarding and Closing Ceremony – by DDG Ann Claire Cabochan


Day 1

Dr. Frederick P. Romero
Asst. Director, Bureau of Copyright and Related Rights, OIC – IP Academy

Martha Chikowore
Acting Head, Academic Institutions Program, WIPO Academy

Day 2

Atty. Jesus Antonio Z. Ros
Director, IPOPHL Bureau of Trademarks

Atty. Marites Q. Salviejo
Intellectual Property Rights Specialist V, IPOPHL Bureau of Trademarks

Atty. Divina Pastora V. Ilas-Panganiban
Partner, Quisumbing Torres

Atty. Irma Vera P. Morcillo
Intellectual Property Rights Specialist V, IPOPHL Bureau of Trademarks

Day 3

Atty.  Maria Rosita Karla  Bernardo
Senior Associate, Bengzon Negre Untalan

Professor Ida Madieha Abdul Ghani Azmi
Professor, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia

Atty. Mark Thursday Alciso
General Manager, Filipino Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Inc

Day 4

Atty. Monica Bugayong
Federis and Associates

Atty. Ann N. Edillon
Director, IPOPHL Bureau of Patents

Engr. Kevin L. Ocampo

Technology and Intellectual Property Manager, UP Manila Technology Transfer and Business Development Office

Engr. Kevin Facun

Senior Consultant, IP Academy

Day 5

Atty. Teodoro Alejandro Y. Kalaw IV
Professor of Law, Ateneo Law School

Mary Jade Roxas-Divinagracia
Managing Partner, Deals & Corporate Finance, PwC Philippines

Atty. Patricia A. O. Bunye
Senior Partner, Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia

Day 6

Atty. Susan D. Villanueva
Senior Partner, Cruz Marcelo & Tenefrancia

Atty. Francis G. Alba II
Attorney IV, IPOPHL Bureau of Legal Affairs

Atty. Reggie Anne D. Pamatian
Intellectual Property Rights Specialist IV, IPOPHL Enforcement Office

Atty. Carlo E. Abarquez
Founding Partner, VAL Law

Day 7

Atty. Karen Jimeno
Director and Chief Legal Counsel, SofCap Partners

Dr. Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa
Director, DOST-Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Department of Science and Technology

Diane Eustaquio
Executive Director, Ideas Space

Atty. Jose Maria A. Ochave
President, RiteMed, Inc., UNILAB

Day 8 – Speakers

Atty. Jeanette Florita
Executive Director, Tanggapang Panligal ng Katutubong Pilipino (PANLIPI)

Atty. Josephine R. Santiago
Professorial Lecturer, UP College of Law, Former IPOPHL Director General

Atty. Jose Jesus M. Disini
Managing Partner, DISINI Law

Day 8 – Panelists

Angel Palma
Inventor – AirDisc Airconditioning Technology

Flornida Gatus-Ramirez
Founder, Avenida Books

Sherill Quintana
Founder and President, Oryspa Solutions

Carla Leonor
Founder, Bughaw Creatives Collective

Day 9

Atty. Lolibeth Ramit-Medrano
Commissioner, Philippine Competition Commission

Atty. Maria Katrina D. Rivera
Officer-in-charge, IPOPHL Policy Research and International Affairs Division

Maslina Malik
Senior Officer – Intellectual Property Rights Competition, Consumer Protection, Intellectual Property Rights Division, ASEAN Secretariat – ASEAN Economic Community

Mr Eric Khoo
Deputy Director, IPOS International Singapore

Mr. Ther Tum Thai Vest
Trade Officer, Intellectual Property Management Office at the Department of Intellectual Property of Thailand

Atty. Adrian S. Cristobal, Jr.
Former Director General, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines

Day 10

Atty. Lolibeth Ramit-Medrano
IPOPHL Former Deputy Director General

Atty. Emma Francisco
Adjunct Professor
UP Law; Former IPOPHL Director General

Atty. Josephine Santiago
Professorial Lecturer,
UP Law; Former IPOPHL Director General