Trusting a Mother's Choice: Importance of Brand Creation and Protection

May 10, 2020

Trust is one of the most integral parts of any brand. A customer that trusts a brand will be loyal to it, despite numerous competitors. This is why companies spend so much on creating and developing a brand that will be able to gain the trust of their target audience.

The Philippines is a country that places importance on the family unit. Parents are seen as a child's pillars and are trusted to know what is most beneficial for their children. Mothers are especially held in high regard and as people who would only want the best for their children. As the old adage goes, "a mother knows best".

Several of the country's homegrown food brands are ones that trusted in the power behind the word 'mother'. When talking about food, a mother's recipe is often regarded as excellent, because there is an implicit association of trust and imagery of a woman perfecting her recipe for the love of her children.

Mama Sita is one of the most common household names when it comes to sauces. They are known for their sauces and mixes that would allow Filipinos all over the world to eat as if they were back at home. When craving for something sweet, Nanay Pacing's peanut butter is a go-to for many.

Mother's Best is also frequently found in many Kitchens in the country--their products ranging from cooking oil to Philippine-made banana ketchup are a staple in cupboards. Finally, who can forget Mekeni Food Corporation's "Mom-approved" Picnic Hot Dogs that children crave for.

Although they all contain variations of the word 'mother', they were able to register their brands because they contained fanciful variations to it. A great deal of their success can be attributed to skillfully integrating the 'mother' aspect into their brand and products, which then steadily earned the trust of the Filipinos. They are able to focus on improving their products because they have to worry less about competition copying the brand they worked hard for.

There are great importance and power behind a company's branding.  This is why it is important for individuals who are looking to strike out on their own to create and register their brand's Intellectual Property so that they are fully protected by the law. In the Philippines, it is now possible to apply for brand registration online via ### (Nastasha Erika Floro, Communications and Marketing Writer)