Message of the DG on World Intellectual Property Day

April 26, 2020

World Intellectual Property (IP) Day 2020 gives us time to pause and appreciate what remains of our environment. We have to understand the immeasurable hurt our worldly indulgences have inflicted on nature. When we do, perhaps we can treat with more urgency the fact that green innovations must happen now.

Under the Philippine Innovation Act of 2019, “climate change and disaster resilience” is among the priority areas for innovation. The landmark law recognizes the intellectual property (IP) system as an effective tool in spurring innovation and creativity. For this, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) had been tasked to take a lead role in accelerating the inclusive use of IP and ensure that the fruits of innovation are reaped to the maximum benefit of the country.

Without the environment and its abundant but fast depleting gifts of resources, the world is nothing. Let us begin now in protecting the future of our children and of the next generations ahead by rethinking our way of life, our way of innovating and creating, by replacing greed with going green.