IPOPHL Supports Eco-Friendly Products

January 21, 2021

Every January, the country celebrates the National Zero Waste Month to promote environmental awareness and action. This year’s theme,"Bouncing Back from the Pandemic to a Greener and Healthier Environment"–as provided by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources–is a renewed reminder to keep in mind the welfare of the environment in the things that we do and the products we use. 

IPOPHL has come up with five eco-friendly products made by Filipino inventors and entrepreneurs and is extremely useful to anyone.

  1. Bamboo Straw

Mark Gersava, Inventor (Patent Registration: 000237)

The perfect product that allows you to enjoy your favorite cold drink without compromising the environment is invented by a Filipino. Aware of how plastic straws contribute to the waste problem, inventor Mark Gersavo creates a straw made of raw bamboo. One might be worried about the bamboo molds that may contaminate their drinks when using this but Gersava uses “Tulos,” a natural treatment process that prevents the growth of molds and even wood bug or bukbok infestation. With his patented bamboo straw, the environment can enjoy a better world with less plastics crowding landfills and harming ocean life.

2. Bamboo Snack Tongs

Ferdinand B. Balingcos (Utility Model Registration: 001605)

If you’ve ever been to a cocktail or a pica-pica party, you’ve most likely encountered plastic tongs and know that they are not suitable for grabbing saucy, bite-sized foods which would only slip from their grip. 

Filipino inventor Ferdinand B. Balingcos created bamboo-made snack tongs that are not only ergonomic but are also eco-friendly. A bonus to this is that Balingcos’ tongs look good on any bowl, adding an aesthetic element to any gathering.  

* The Bamboo Snack Tongs has received a patent grant from the IPOPHL.

3. Shampoo Bars 

Human Nature - Natural Shampoo Bar (Photo from Human Nature website)

Having to transfer shampoo from a big bottle to a travel-sized container is very time-consuming and even messy. If you want a hassle-free travel preparation, this shampoo bar is perfect for you. 

Made with organic ingredients, these shampoo bars are available at Human Nature and have a registered ™ with IPOPHL.

4. Bamboo Utensil Set

SIP Burrito Set - Bamboo Utensils (Photo from The Good Store PH website)

Easy to carry, this unique utensil set from The Good Store is made of sustainably-produced bamboo materials. Neatly organized in a canvas cloth wrap, the set is composed of a spoon, fork, knife, chopsticks, and different sizes of metal straws. With this, your dine-in adventures pose less harm to Mother Nature.

*The Bamboo Utensil Set and other eco-friendly products are available at TheGoodStorePH.

5. Eco-Friendly Bags

Abaca Tote Bag (Photo from Anthill Fabric Gallery website

The Anthill Fabric Gallery is a local socio-cultural enterprise that is gaining popularity for weaving agricultural wastes into their textile products. 

As agricultural wastes do not take forever to decompose unlike plastics, Anthill’s strategy is budget- and eco-friendly and is a good model for MSMEs striving for sustainability.

*Anthill Fabric Gallery is a registered Trademark with registration number: 509019