IPOPHL meets with ITSOs in Region 1 and 3

19 March 2018

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) met with members of the Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) Network in Regions 1 and 3 on March 13, 2018. The meeting focused on the current status of the ITSO project and gathering recommendations to move ITSO initiatives forward. Angeles University Foundation (AUF), headed by Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Angeles, hosted the activity. IPOPHL Director Carmen Peralta updated the members on the current programs and projects of the Office, including the upcoming celebration of the National Intellectual Property Rights Month in April.
Aside from AUF, the following universities took part in the meeting Bataan Peninsula State University, Bulacan State University, Central Luzon State University, Mariano Marcos State University, Philippine Rice Research Institute, Tarlac Agricultural University, Tarlac State University and Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation.
The ITSO project is an initiative of the IPOPHL to strengthen local institutional capacity to access patent information and make use of the patent system. This project entails building a network of partner-institutions and universities, and enable them to create their own in-house patent libraries for the benefit of students and researchers. As of 2017, the IPOPHL’s ITSO network has grown to 85 partner institutions composed of universities and research and development institutions.