IPOPHL and various artists show love for creativity at ongoing Big Bad Wolf sale

February 14, 2020

To show its deep love for creativity this Valentine's day, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines has called on various artists and performers to its booth at the ongoing Big Bad Wolf sale in Pasay City.

The list of performers comprise of Eevee band frontman Enzo Villegas (to perform on Feb. 15); storyteller Teacher Dyali Justo (Feb. 16); singer-songwriter Tiara Shaye Cinco (Feb. 16); songwriter Iego Tan (Feb. 22); and singer-songwriter Virtus Lenon (Feb. 23). 

The IPOPHL station will also run short film showing (Feb. 15) and script reading (Feb. 22) activities, to be facilitated by the Film Development Council of the Philippines, headed by Undersecretary Liza Diño. The photo above provides a complete schedule for the performances and activities.

The Big Bad Wolf Sale is ongoing at the World Trade Center in Pasay City and will close on Feb. 24. The Big Bad Wolf Books Sdn. Bhd, the firm behind what is touted as the world’s biggest book sale, provides the widest selection of books possible at the lowest possible prices.

This year's sale is made more special as IPOPHL officially joins the Malaysian firm in its bold mission not only to cultivate literacy across the country, but also foster a culture of respect for intellectual property rights. 

IPOPHL Officer-in-Charge Director General Teodoro C. Pascua, at the book hunt's opening ceremony yesterday invited sale goers to drop by the IPOPHL booth. 

The IPOPHL booth mainly aims to answer questions from people who may be wondering how writers earn a livelihood from book writing; how to be an IP rights holder; how to secure protection for copyright and even other IP tools such as trademark, patent, utility model and industrial design; and just overall how the IP system works. 

IPOPHL will also hold educational games, with token prizes, as well as feature informative and fun videos about IPOPHL and intellectual property. 

And of course, the performances of the various creative players mentioned should likewise be anticipated at the IPOPHL station. 

"Initially, our partnership with Big Bad Wolf was to demonstrate our unwavering support for the book industry solely. But we decided to invite different artists from musical composers and singers, poets, to storytellers, to allow them to express themselves through showcasing their works and artistry, all of which are protected by copyright. We hope this will be a creative, or should I say, copyright-rich event for us all," Pascua said.