Inter-Agency Coordinated Border Management MOU Signing

November 4, 2020

Manila -- An inter-agency coordinated border management committee, a body which aims to strengthen and pass border control and management of various government agencies against illegal practices, with the member agency heads and representatives, unanimously signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Enhanced Border Protection on October 20, 2020 at 2 in the afternoon via virtual teleconference. 

The MOU is based on Republic Act No. 10863, otherwise known as the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act of 2016 (CMTA), that prescribes the functions of the Bureau of Customs which includes, among others, border control to prevent entry of smuggled goods, prevention and suppression of smuggling and other customs fraud, and institution of criminal complaints involving violations of customs laws, rules and regulations.

Bureau of Customs Commissioner Gen. Rey Leonardo Borja Guerrero said that “the burden in safeguarding and strengthening government revenues in order to reinforce economic competitiveness through legitimate domestic and international trade may be protected by the endeavor to collectively protect borders, and be at par with global standards and practices.”

The main objectives of the MOU are to institute a systematic mechanism for sharing of information among government agencies for purposes of strengthening its border control capabilities, to eliminate/prevent smuggling activities, customs fraud, promote public health protection, fair trade practices, and sound regulatory foundation for domestic and international trade. These will also promote the spirit of inter-agency coordination and cooperation with the end goal of maximizing utilization of data and information resources for the protection and common good of the people.

Before the signing of the MOU, a video was shown to showcase a glimpse of the efforts of the Bureau of Customs in the Enhancement and Enforcement of border control. It aims to also show shared efforts of all government agencies to execute and maintain border protection while continuously increasing trade facilitation. 

The MOU was signed by 29 out of the 31 government agencies on the virtual signing of the Inter-Agency Coordinated Border Management namely: Bureau of Customs (BOC), Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), National Food Authority (NFA), National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS), Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA), National Tobacco Administration (NTA), Bureau of Import Services (BIS), Strategic Trade Management Office (STMO), Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS), Fair Trade Enforcement Bureau (FTEB). Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), Environmental and Management Bureau (EMB), Bureau of Quarantine (BOQ), Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Bureau of Immigration (BI), Firearms and Explosives Office - Philippine National Police (FEO-PNP), National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI), Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), and Philippine Coast Guard (PCG). 

Representing IPOPHL is Deputy Director General Teodoro C. Pascua while the Bureau of Customs is represented by Atty. Vincent Philip Maronilla Assistant Commissioner, Post-Clearance Audit Group (PCAG), Mr. Raniel Ramiro, Deputy Commissioner Intelligence Group, (Ret.) Lieutenant General Donato San Juan, Deputy Commissioner for Internal Administration Group (IAG), Atty. Edward James Dy Buco, Deputy Commissioner for Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG), Atty. Teddy Raval, Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement and Security Service, Mr. Jonathan Soriano of the Technology, Management Service (TMS), Mr. Jeoffrey Tacio, Director of Customs Intelligence Investigation Service, and Atty. Maria Yasmin Mapa, Director of Legal Service to name a few. 

After the signing, the participants posed for a photo shoot holding a copy of the signed MOU. ### (Mia Concepcion, Marketing and Communications Writer)