Federation of Asian Motorcycle Industries (FAMI) 14th Intellectual Property Rights Symposium

27 February 2018

IPOPHL Director General Josephine Santiago and Director Lolibeth Medrano at the Federation of Asian Motorcycle Industries’ (FAMI) 14th Intellectual Property Rights Symposium, hosted this year by the Motorcycle Development Program Participants Association (MDPPA).
Left to right:
Mr. Andi Hortante, Secretary General of FAMI
Ms. Stone Shi, Chair of the IPR Taskforce, FAMI
Mr. Shigehiro Kondo, Intellectual Property Experts Group, Motorcycle Overseas SubCommittee, Japan Automotive Manufacturing Association (JAMA)
IPOPHL’s Atty. Lolibeth Medrano, Director of the Bureau of Patents and
IPOPHL’s Director General Josephine R. Santiago
Mr. Armando B. Reyes, President of MDPPA
Mr. Alfredo O. Lejano, MDPPA Vice President and Chair of Government Committee
Atty. Emeterio Dongallio Jr. ,  Executive Office, Intellectual Property Rights Division, NBI
Atty. Joan Estremadura, Associate ACCRALAW
Atty. Jose Genilo, Partner, ACCRALAW