2023 Gawad Yamang Isip Awards honors IP trailblazers and women on World IP Day

May 2, 2023

The 2023 Gawad Yamang Isip (GYI) Awards, the most prestigious intellectual property (IP) awards in the country given by the IP Office of the Philippines, has once again recognized Filipinos and Filipinas who have shown distinct ingenuity and talent in their respective fields using their IP rights.

In line with 2023 National IP Month themed “Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity,” the GYI held last week put a spotlight on Filipinas who, through their IP assets, are creating positive impact in society and helping uplift the lives of women.

Specifically, it awarded one individual or enterprise in each major category, namely Invention, Industrial Design, Performing Arts, Literature and Trademark.

The following were the recipients of the major GYI awards: 

  1. Invention – Pili Ani Founder Rosalina Tan
  2. Industrial Design – Junk Not Eco-Creatives Founder Idr. Wilhelmina “Willie” Garcia
  3. Performing Arts – Filipino Society of Composers Authors and Publishers (FILSCAP) President Rico Blanco
  4. Literature – Award-winning writer and activist Lualhati Bautista
  5. Trademarks – Bayo by Lyncor, Inc. J

Mompreneur bags first national WIPO award

The 2023 GYI also marked the first time that the World IP Organization (WIPO) conferred a National Award for Enterprises. Bagging the historic award was Spinkie, a homegrown and now international brand for kids toys and decor founded by Mutya Buensuceso. 

The WIPO award aims to encourage businesses, including small and medium-sized enterprises, and institutions to make imaginative use of the IP system in their activities.

Empowering Juanas

The IP Champions Award 2023 was also conferred to two women who have greatly contributed to the advancement of the IP system in the Philippines, namely Senator Imee R. Marcos and former IPOPHL Director General Josephine R. Santiago. 

IPOPHL also recognized the top three region filers under the Juana Make a Mark Program, which were Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Cordillera Administrative Region, DTI-National Capital Region and DTI-Bicol Region, respectively. 

A handful of women were also called on stage for their outstanding work in using their IPs for creating better jobs, inspiring other women to follow their passions and advancing IP. These women were namely Ms. Camille Albarracin, founder of Everything Green PH; Dr. Gracia Fe B. Yu, inventor of the anti-inflammatory Ornathrex; Dr. Merlinda Palencia, inventor of the wastewater treatment Vigormin; Mutya Buensuceso, founder of Spinkie; and Ms. Vilmi Quipit, the top IP mediator in 2022. 

Celebrating IP trailblazers 

IP Citations were also presented to the top filers in 2022 and agents who are actively helping inventors and creators protect their IPs. 

The top filer-awardees were the following: 

  1. Top Patent Filer – Northern Iloilo State University
  2. Top Utility Model Filer – Cebu Technological University
  3. Top Industrial Design Filer – Design Center of the Philippines
  4. Top Trademark Filer – AGlobal Care, Inc.
  5. Top Copyright Filer – Isabela State University
  6. Top Madrid Protocol Filer – Progressive Medical Corp.

The following are the top IP agents: 

  1. Top Patent Agent – Romulo Mabanta Buenaventura Sayoc & De Los Angeles
  2. Top Utility Model Agent –  Cebu Technological University President Dr. Rosein A. Ancheta, Jr. 
  3. Top Industrial Design Agent – AttyAid Solutions, Inc.
  4. Top Trademark Agent – Tundayag IP CEO and Co-Owner Edmar  A. Tundayag

Highlighting partners

IPOPHL also recognized some of its partners to highlight their important roles in bridging more people to benefit from the Philippine IP system. Among them were: 

  • Stardust Digital Private Ltd.
  • National Institute of Origin and Quality
  • Korean Institute of Patent Information
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)
  • Motion Picture Association
  • Korean Invention Promotion Association
  • DTI – Competitiveness and Innovation Group
  • Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution (OADR)
  • WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO-AMC)
  • European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
  • Cooperative Development Authority (CDA)
  • Content Overseas Distribution Association (CODA)
  • Philippine Retailers Association (PRA)
  • Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC)
  • Motorcycle Development Program Participants Association , Inc (MDPPA)
  • Pharmaceutical Security Institute
  • Provincial Government of Bohol
  • Provincial Government of Iloilo
  • GMA Network, Inc.

IPOPHL also awarded a plaque of appreciation to partners who contributed to the successful conduct of the 69th ASEAN Working Group on IP Cooperation in March 2023. The recipients were Bohol Governor Erico Aristotle C. Aumentado, Provincial Administrator Aster Caberte, Special Projects Head Metodio Maraguinot, Jr., Provincial Director Marisol Balistoy and DTI- Bohol SME Development Division Chief Vierna Teresa C. Ligan.

“This is just one way that IPOPHL is recognizing the achievements and efforts of Filipinos who have advocated and used IP-backed innovation and creativity to build a better future for everyone,” Director General Rowel S. Barba said.

“This GYI also showcases our whole-of-society progress to strengthen the nation’s IP system and inspire others to work towards a more inclusive and progressive innovation landscape that will benefit all Filipinos,” he added.

The GYI was held at the Manila Hotel as a culminating activity in celebration of National IP Month last April and in conjunction with World IP Day celebrated April 26 every year. # # # (Janina Lim, Information Officer III)

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