The State of the Publishing Sector in the time of COVID-19 and Way Forward

Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) through the initiative of the Bureau of Copyright and Related Rights (BCRR) will conduct the 2nd Round of its International Copyright Forum Series that will focus on the Book Publishing Industry on 24 – 25 September 2020, 1:00 PM – 5:30 PM (PST).

It will be a venue to galvanize discussions on education, copyright promotion, protection, and fair use, the shift from print to the modern digital age, and on how the publishing industry can continuously produce quality learning materials and making it accessible to the general public to adopt under the new normal. The Forum will gather international and local professionals in the literary and publishing industry, government officials, award-winning authors/writers and illustrators, and experts in the fields of Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) and library system who will share their extensive experiences and exchange their best practices, expert opinions and perspectives for the creative community and the general public to better understand the ecology and the changing dynamics of this sector.

The Forum aims to forge new collaborations amongst the various stakeholders in the government, private sector, non-profit, and most especially the publishing community to do this towards sustainable programs and projects, relevant policies, positive vision, and ways to move forward for the creative industry as a whole.

Day 1 - Sept. 24, 2020 | 1:00 PM to 4:35 PM

  • The Legislative Initiatives Forwarding the Philippine Publishing Industry
      • Hon. Christopher De Venecia, Congressman, 4th District Representative, Pangasinan, and Head, Arts and Culture and Creative Industries Bloc (ACCIB) Author of the Creative Workers Welfare Bill and the Freelancers Protection Bill, House of Representatives
  • The State of the Global Publishing Sector: Challenges and Opportunities - Panel Discussion
      • Ms. Claudia Kaiser, Vice President for Business Development, Frankfurt Book Fair / Frankfurter Buchmesse, Frankfurt, Germany
      • Ms. Trasvin Jittidecharak, Secretary-General, The ASEAN Book Publishers Association, Honorary Advisor, The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand and Freedom to Publish Committee, International Publishers Association
  • Question and Answer / Break
  • The State of the Phil Book Publishing Industry – Publishers, Writers, Booksellers, and Book Illustrators
      • Mr. Dante Francis M. Ang II, NBDB Chair and CEO Manila Times to be represented by the Director I, Mr. Anthony John R. Balisi
  • Experience and Opportunities In the Time of COVID: Shifting from Print to Digital and the Way Forward
      • Ms. Ani Rosa S. Almario, President, Book Development Association of the Philippines (BDAP)
      • Mr. Budjette Tan, Award-winning Comic Book Writer of TRESE, Creative Lead at LEGO Agency, Denmark
  • Question and Answer / Open Forum / Evaluation

Day 2 - Sept. 25, 2020 | 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM

  • Keynote Speaker
      • Hon. Leonor Magtolis-Briones, Secretary, Department of Education (DepED) to be represented by the Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, Atty. Josephine Maribojoc
  • Collective Management (Panel Discussions)
      • Ms. Caroline Morgan, Chief Executive and Secretary General International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO), Belgium
      • Ms. Sarah Tran, Chair-Asia Pacific Committee, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organization (IFRRO), Australia
      • Mr. Alvin J. Buenaventura, Executive Director Filipinas Copyright Licensing Society, Inc. (FILCOLS)
      • Hon. Cesar Gilbert Q. Adriano, Director IV, National Library of the Philippines (NLP) to be represented by the Assistant Director, Edgardo B. Quiros
  • Question and Answer / Break
  • Fair Use and the Digital Environment
      • Ms. Bethany Wilkes, University Librarian, Singapore Management University (SMU)
      • Ms. Nazimah Ram Nath, Assistant Director and Librarian for Collections, Content Discovery, and Copyright, Singapore Management University (SMU)
  • Role of Librarians in the New Normal: Innovations and Opportunities through Cooperation
      • Ms. Milagros Santos-Ong, President, Philippine Group of Law Librarians
  • Perspectives from Publisher/Author on Copyright and Fair Use in the Publishing Industry
      • Atty. Andrea Pasion-Flores,Editor, Writer/Author and Publisher. Former Gen. Manager of Anvil Publishing Inc. and former Executive Director of the National Book Development Board
      • Mr. Aldrin Pentero, President, Linangan sa Imahen, Retorika, at Anyo (LIRA)
  • Question and Answer / Open Forum / Evaluation


Rep. Christopher V.P. De Venecia,
Congressman, 4th District Representative, Pangasinan, Head, Arts and Culture and Creative Industries Bloc (ACCIB), Author of the Creative Workers Welfare Bill and the Freelancers Protection Bill, House of Representatives


Ms. Claudia Kaiser
Vice President for Business Development, Frankfurt Book Fair / Frankfurter Buchmesse,
Frankfurt, Germany

Ms. Trasvin Jittidecharak
Secretary-General, The ASEAN Book Publishers Association, Honorary Advisor, The Publishers and Booksellers Association of Thailand and Freedom to Publish Committee, International Publishers Association

Anthony John R. Balisi,
Director I, Manila Times, representing Mr. Dante Francis Ang, NBDB Chair and CEO of Manila Times

Ms. Ani Rosa S. Almario
President, Book Development Association of the Philippines (BDAP)

Mr. Budjette Tan
Award-winning Comic Book Writer of TRESE,
Creative Lead at LEGO Agency, Denmark

Atty. Josephine Maribojoc,
Undersecretary for Legal Affairs, Department of Education, representing Secretary Leonor Briones, Department of Education

Ms. Caroline Morgan
Chief Executive and Secretary General ,International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations (IFRRO), Belgium

Ms. Sarah Tran
Chair-Asia Pacific Committee, International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organization (IFRRO), Australia

Mr. Alvin J. Buenaventura
Executive Director, Filipinas Copyright Licensing Society, Inc. (FILCOLS)

Mr. Edgardo Quiros
Asst. Director, National Library of the Philippines, representing Hon. Cesar Gilbert Adriano, Director, National Library of the Philippines

Ms. Bethany Wilkes,
University Librarian, Singapore Management University (SMU)

Ms. Nazimah Ram Nath
Assistant Director and Librarian for Collections, Content Discovery, and Copyright Singapore Management University (SMU)

Ms. Milagros Santos-Ong
President, Philippine Group of Law Librarians

Atty. Andrea Pasion-Flores
Editor, Writer/Author and Publisher. Former Gen. Manager of Anvil Publishing Inc. and former Executive Director of the National Book Development Board

Mr. Aldrin Pentero
President, Linangan sa Imahen, Retorika, at Anyo (LIRA)