Asia-Pacific Journal of IP Management and Innovation

The Asia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Property Management and Innovation is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes peer-reviewed research covering all aspects of intellectual property (IP) management and innovation, particularly in the Asia-Pacific context. The journal is especially interested in articles that contribute new knowledge on the strategic management of IP, innovation, creativity, and knowledge and technology transfer. These articles may be presented in a variety of modes ranging from theoretical frameworks, experimental analyses, and case studies. The Journal further provides feature and news articles that are useful for the career development of professionals working in the field of IP and innovation. The journal will also include technology showcases from industry and academia, and the latest news and trends on IP management and innovation in the Asia-Pacific.

Types of Papers

The journal publishes original articles of the following classifications:

  • Research paper: Reports on any type of research conducted by the author/s, including: construction or testing of a theory, model, or framework; action research; empirical research; applied research; market research; and surveys and focus group discussions.
  • Review: Overview of a concept, method, or phenomenon. More than mere summary, a review must critically evaluate prior research, propose a theoretical framework explaining key findings from prior research, and present suggested avenues for further research.
  • Case studies: Description of interventions or experiences, and key insights obtained from them
  • Policy brief: Reviews or analyes of government, industrial, or academic policies
  • Viewpoint: Opinion of author/s on a particular issue or topic, or descriptive or instructional articles about current trends and best practices

In addition to the above types of articles, the Journal also welcomes critiques, short notes, or comments on previously published articles. Rejoinders from the authors of these articles are, thus, also welcome. Feature and news articles that are useful for the career development of professionals working in the field of IP management and innovation, technology showcases from industry and academia, and the latest news and trends on IP management and innovation in the Asia-Pacific may also be considered for publication. The Editors-in-Chief shall have the discretion to publish certain classes of submissions for each particular edition of the journal.


A manuscript should follow the format found in the attached “Submitted Manuscript Format”. In particular, the manuscript must meet the following style guidelines:

  • Does not exceed 30 pages, inclusive of text, tables, figures, references, and appendices.
  • Font style and size: Arial, 11 pt.
  • Line spacing: double-spaced
  • Line numbers on all lines, restarting at each page
  • Page numbers at the center bottom of each page in the format Page X of Y
  • Page size: 8½ x 11-inch
  • Margins: one inch on the top and bottom, 0.75 inches on the left and right.
  • Alignment: justified
  • Equations are to be numbered.
  • Tables must be MS Word-formatted tables and not images.
  • Figures and charts must be MS Excel-formatted figures or graphs. If possible, include raw Excel data used to construct charts with the submission.
  • Clear and clean images set to at least 300 dpi for color or grayscale.
  • Footnotes should be avoided as much as possible. All references and/or content notes must be placed at the end of the text.
  • Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words, and should summarize the objective, methods, results, and conclusion.
  • Up to ten keywords should be provided for easy indexing.

The manuscript should follow guidelines given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition (APA style) or the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA 4th edition).


The Journal will primarily be published in electronic form. The Journal will also endeavor to publish a limited number of printed copies of the Journal twice a year.

The Journal will endeavor to publish electronic versions of papers immediately upon final acceptance of the Editorial Committee.


Authors are required to carefully read these Guidelines for Authors and ensure that the manuscript conforms to these guidelines. The authors may submit their manuscript by completing the Manuscript Submission Form at The Form includes an option to upload files.

Manuscripts that pass the initial editorial assessment will undergo double-blind peer review. As such, the Editorial Committee will invite experts in the field relevant to the submission. From these experts, two will review the submission. Thereafter, the review and the comments will be sent back to the author for revision. Afterwhich, the revised article will be forwarded to the Editors-in-Chief or the original reviewers for final determination in the inclusion in the journal. Under this process, reviewers and authors are anonymous to each other.

In addition, manuscripts must be copy-edited for English fluency and clarity before submission for publication. Authors are strongly advised to employ the services of a professional editor to copy-edit the main text, list of references, tables, and figures. Manuscripts not conforming to the guidelines and referencing style of theAsia-Pacific Journal of Intellectual Property Management and Innovation will be returned to the author with no comments.


Submission of a manuscript to the Journal implies the following:

  • The manuscript is original and the copyright of the manuscript belongs to the author/s, except for such duly cited excerpts from other works as may be included with the permission of the authors of such works or is compatible with fair use. The author/s may be required by the Journal to obtain written permission to use copyrighted works used in the manuscript to the extent necessary and to indicate the sources of such excerpts.
  • The manuscript does not infringe anyone’s copyright, or otherwise violate anyone’s statutory or common law rights.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere, or that if it has been published in whole or in part, any permission necessary to publish it has been obtained and provided to the publisher.
  • The manuscript is not simultaneously being reviewed in other journals.

Authors will be required to sign a Consent to Publish form to confirm the above implications.


Manuscripts must include a section with the heading “Declarations” which may include the following sub-sections:

  • Funding - provides information on whether the research was financially supported and by whom
  • Conflicts of interest - all authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could bias their work. This information will help the Journal editors decide how to proceed.
  • Ethics approval, when appropriate
    Other declarations may be provided, as appropriate.


The author of a manuscript accepted for publication should submit the final manuscript electronically to The preferred word processor for the final version is Microsoft Word, and submissions must be made either in .docx or .doc form. A detailed set of guidelines will be sent to the author once a manuscript is accepted for publication.

Authors of submitted manuscripts must also submit a short profile (100 words or less). The profile should include the complete name of the author/s, academic and/or professional affiliation/s, and educational background/s. The profile will be included in a separate “About the Authors” section of the paper.

Authors may contact the Managing Editor at for questions or concerns