The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines and the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognizes Filipino inventors / IP creators with the Alfredo M. Yao (AMY) IP Awards. The AMY IP Awards' goal is to recognize socially relevant inventions by Filipinos.

Join the AMY IP Awards and have the chance to showcase your invention to potential investors.

Deadline for submission of entries is extended until September 30, 2021


  • Individuals or group of individuals must fill out the provided sign-up sheet via GoogleForms, accompanied by other related documents such as certificate of letters patent, patent application number, or a registrability report for a Utility Model, and other materials (e.g. brochures, additional documents), if any, supporting their entry.
  • All documents shall be submitted via email to
  • All entries submitted will undergo a pre-screening evaluation.
  • Entries qualified at the pre-screening evaluation will be called on to make a presentation before the AMY IP Awards 2021 Panel of Judges.


To be eligible for the award, intellectual property must be a patented and patentable technology, product, service, or subject matter, meeting the following criteria:

    • Has commercial potential;
    • Will solve an existing or potential problem of society or contribute to the development of the local community;
    • Is environmentally sound and sustainable; and
    • Is patented or patentable