Nearly 25 years since the passage of the IP Code on June 6, 1997, IPOPHL is proud to have transformed into the modernized, development-oriented Office that it is today.

We hope the lessons we have learned in this remarkable journey, particularly in building resilience and formulating strategic decisions, will be useful as we hope to contribute in the country's full recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and its economic challenges.

With the the theme "Creating a Silver Bright Future," our 25th anniversary hopes to further IPOPHL's mission through more impactful and meaningful engagement with stakeholders and key partners. We hope to foster more vibrant, more dynamic landscapes for innovation, creativity and business, a key element that we believe will help us bounce back stronger as a nation.

 A space within the IPOPHL premises is dedicated to the past and current DGs, in celebration of their contributions to the intellectual property system in the Philippines

An event recognizing Filipinos who have shown distinct ingenuity and talent in their specific fields, using the intellectual (IP) system in the process.