The use of Intellectual Property by software developers has sparked particular interest in the global stage. This webinar focuses on improving the understanding of the potential of IP for income generation in mobile applications and empower mobile application developers with tools for using IP in their work. This activity provides an opportunity for local and international mobile app developers to exchange views and ideas, concepts in technology transfer, and establish connections, and business matching.

In view of this, Intellectual Property Office of the Philippine-Bureau of Copyright and Related Rights (IPOPHL-BCRR), in partnership with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), will be conducting a webinar entitled: From Development to Opportunities: A Pitching and Business Matching Session on Mobile Development, which will be held on Friday, 23 July 2021, via Zoom platform.


Opening Remarks

Atty. Rowel Barba, Director General, IPOPHL
Mr. Dimiter Gantchev, Copyright Management Division, WIPO

Overview of US Mobile App and Global Challenges to Mobile Apps, the Importance of Professional Partnerships

Mr. Brian Scarpelli, Senior Global Policy Counsel, The AppAssociation, Washington DC, USA

Presentation of US Mobile App Enterprises

Overview of PADCDI and Challenges in Mobile App Development in the Philippines

Ms. Maria Jesusa Viray, CEO, MedcarePlus, Founding Member of the Board of Directors of Philippine Association for Digital Commerce and Decentralised Industries (PADCDI), Philippines

Presentation of Philippine Mobile App and Related Associations

FinTech Philippines Association
Mr. Lito Villanueva, Founding Chairman, FinTech Alliance and Fintech Philippines Association

Impact Hub
Ms. Ces Rondario, Founder and CEO, Impact Hub Manila

Start-Up PH
Mr. Christian Blanquera, Founder, StartUp PH

Pitching of Actual Company

Mr. Primitivo Jr. F. Paypon, Executive Director, AIM-DADO Banatao Incubator

Plenary Discussion and Business Matching

Closing Remarks

Atty. Emerson G. Cuyo, Director, Bureau of Copyright and Related Rights, IPOPHL