Mandatory mediation of IP cases will enhance the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program of the IPOPHL; and align its procedures with the court system and those of other government quasi-judicial agencies. Also, mandatory mediation will harmonize the procedure of IPOPHL to that of the commercial courts that handle IP infringement, civil and criminal cases.

The IPOPHL mediation service is effective so far in contributing to the fast resolution of cases. The IPOPHL mediation service is thus, at par with international standards. IPOPHL mediators are experts the field of IP practice and mediation. They are trained by the best international professionals from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Record shows that the majority of cases filed before the IPOPHL are Inter Partes cases relating to trademark. Mediation is very useful in the settlement of trademark case due to its commercial nature. In view of the foregoing, the IPOPHL will implement mandatory mediation of cases filed within its concerned bureaus.

The public is invited to submit their comments to the draft amendment to the Rules of Procedure of IPO Mediation Proceedings until 21 May 2018. You can email your comments to