IPOPHL is one with the DTI for the Consumer Welfare Month

October 16, 2020

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) is one with the Department of Trade and Industry in celebrating the Consumer Welfare Month this October by advocating consumer education, welfare and protection. 

This celebration is pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 1098, which mandated the promotion of the protection of interest of consumers, and Republic Act 7394 or the "Consumer Act of the Philippines," which tasked the National Consumers Affairs Council composed of the DTI, Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, Department of Health, and other agencies to protect consumer organizations as well as business and industry sectors. 

The celebration of the Consumer Welfare Month was designed to create awareness and promotion of information such as complaints and policies affecting consumers that would later on encourage dialogues and cooperation among consumers, business and government agencies. 

This year, the celebration will observe health and safety protocols - use of face masks and face shields and physical distancing - to adopt to the "new normal" as the nation continues to face the coronavirus pandemic.

With the theme "Sustainable Consumer in the New Normal,” this year's event aims to promote sustainability in the household by coming up with ways to recycle, repurpose or plainly dispose of useless materials may be achieved. 

Through responsible consumption via online selling platforms, the celebration also targets to help consumers in making responsible decisions by refraining from impulse buying and prioritizing essentials now that the country and the world is challenged by COVID-19.