The mediation simulation aims to provide law students with an overview of the mediation process to reinforce their legal education and encourage law students to take up IP practice by exposing them to first-hand and practical experience in mediation, which one of the facets of the practice.

This one-day event will be conducted face-to-face in the IPOPHL’s Multi-Purpose Hall. It will be include a half-day lecture in the morning program which will focus on mediation procedures and techniques. The second half of the program will be the actual mediation simulation of invited law students from different schools in the country.

November 22, 2023 | IPOPHL Multi-Purpose Hall


  • Open to all law students
  • 6 of 12 slots remaining; first come-first served
  • A group will have 1 mediator, 1 lawyer for opposer/petitioner and 1 lawyer for respondent

4 Groups of 3 Students

  • Group members should be personally present at the IPOPHL Multi-Purpose Hall
  • Students will be randomly assigned to a group


  • Participants in the simulation exercise will be given Certificates of Participation.
  • Recognitions to be awarded: Best Mediator, and Best Negotiator


  • Register here as a participant in the simulation
  • Deadline to apply: November 17, 2023


  • An orientation on mediation will be given by an IPOPHL-accredited mediator prior to the simulation exercise.

Join as an observer

  • Other interested individuals may still attend the simulation event as observers.
  • Register here as an audience member
  • Certificates of Attendance will be given to those who attend the orientation


Hosts: Atty. Ciara Infantado-Taguibao and Atty. Elojra Javier

  • Welcome Remarks
    • Atty. Rowel S. Barba, Director General, IPOPHL
  • Keynote Speech
    • Atty. Irene de Torres Alogoc, Executive Director, DOJ OADR
  • Photo Opportunity
  • Lecture on Mediation
    • Ms. Vilmi S. Quipit, Accredited Mediator, IPOPHL
  • Lunch Break
  • Introduction of Participants, Judges & Presentation of Sample Case
    • Judges:
      • Atty. Irene de Torres Alogoc
      • Atty. Christine V. Pangilinan-Canlapan
      • Mr. Mauro Rene C. Tanchanco
      • Ms. Vilmi S. Quipit
  • Simulation Proper
  • Health Break
  • Awarding (Best Mediator and Best Negotiator)
    • Atty. Ann Claire C. Cabochan, Deputy Director General, IPOPHL
  • Closing Remarks
    • Atty. Nathaniel S. Arevalo, Director IV, BLA