How to File for a Utility Model

Step 1

  • Conduct a Patent Search through: You can also use Google Patents or ESpaceNet(This is optional only if you want to check the existing prior art similar to your invention.)
  • Prepare all necessary documents in PDF, including Specification, claims, Appointment of Resident Agent/Power of Attorney (required for foreign applicants and for local with a representative), and drawings (drawings are required mostly for Mechanical/Electrical/ICT)

Step 2

Step 3

  • Fill-out information of the applicant, maker, and agent/representative if applicable.


Step 4

  • Upload all necessary documents. A Fee computation will be shown upon completion of documents. button.

Step 5

  • Review all information and pay for the fees.
  • Pay online by choosing your payment channels (Dragonpay, Paymaya, or Visa), after which, instructions will be shown on how to proceed.

Step 6

  •  Your application will go through the ff:
    • Formality Examination
    • Publication of UM Application for Adverse Information (30 days) in the IPOPHL Gazette
    • Issuance of Certificate of Registration 
    • Publication of Registered UM